Meet the Council
President & Treasurer
Hello, I’m Jacques from Port Elizabeth, South Africa. I’m a fifth year JET and I teach high school in Ikoma city. I love sports, so in my free time you’ll probably find me playing or watching badminton, tennis, squash, frisbee, or pretty much anything else! When I’m not involved with sports, I’m spending too much time watching YouTube videos.
Japanese Liasion
Hey guys! I’m Rachel from Colorado Springs, USA. I’m a third year JET and teach at the junior high schools in Uda city. My main hobby is music! I love karaoke, going to concerts, and playing the guitar in my free time. Some of my quieter hobbies include reading, playing video games, and studying Japanese.
Thank You to the Past Council Members!
- Jacques T. (President & Sports Liasion)
- Rachel A. (Webmaster, Communications Chair & Japanese Liasion)
- Jenny C. (Events Coordinator)
- Jacques T. (President & Sports Liasion)
- Kelsey H. (Webmaster & Communications Chair & Secretary)
- Jara V. (Treasurer)
- Beth S. (Japanese Liasion)
- Cameron R. (President, Secretary & Communications Chair)
- Ashley M. (Treasurer & Block Liasion)
- Torin M. (President & Sports Liasion)
- Tayler S. (Treasurer)
- Charlie S. (Webmaster & Communications Chair)
- Brett N. (Japanese Liasion)
- Charity P. (Events Coordinator)
- Dan S. (Scholarship Chair)
- Bethany S. (President & Sports Liasion)
- Jordan L. (Secretary & Block Liasion)
- Crystal N. (Treasurer)
- Tayler S. (Webmaster & Communications Chair)
- Teresa B. (Japanese Liasion)
- Laura J. (Events Coordinator)
- Torin M. (Events Coordinator)
- Sarah C. (Scholarship Chair)
- Kelly P. (President)
- Jordan L. (Secretary)
- Amber J. (Treasurer)
- Megan J. (Webmaster & Communications Chair)
- Teresa B. (Japanese Liasion)
- Bethany S (Sports Liasion & Events Coordinator)
- Jeanne A. (Events Coordinator)
- Tayler S. (Scholarship Chair)
- Kelly P. (President & Webmaster)
- Misa B. (Secretary)
- Jeff A. (Treasurer)
- Rachael H. (PR & Commmunications)
- Mac M. (Japanese Liasion)
- Choua M. (Events Coordinator & Sports Liasion)
- Bethany K. (Scholarship Chair)
- Oscar G. (President)
- Rosi G. (Secretary)
- Caroline S. (Communications Chair)
- Jessica P. (Events Coordinator)
- Jessie L. (Scholarship Chair)
- Noah W. (Smile Kids Coordinator)
- Lena M. (Smile Kids Coordinator)