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Apartment Life
The way in which your housing works may be different here than in your home country. For example fees, maintenance, disposal systems, etc. This page has 3 sections (Getting Started, Maintenance, Departure) dedicated to helping you create and maintain a safe and secure living space from the time you move in to the time you move out.
1.) Getting Started
As a JET Program participant, you are responsible for your own accommodations. In some cases, your contracting organization or school will prepare or provide support for housing arrangements. It can be difficult for foreigners to find apartments due to the amount of paperwork and finding a guarantor.
Key Money (Reikin)
This is a non-refundable gratuity payment to landlords when newly renting an apartment from them.
Security Deposit (Shikikin)
This money is for any damages incurred or necessary cleaning when you leave. In some cases, this money is fully or partially refunded.
Monthly Rent (Yachin)
The amount of rent depends on various factors such as area, facilities, size, and age of the apartment.
Furniture & Appliances
Ask your school or contracting organization if you are required to purchase your own furniture and appliances. In some cases, your predecessor will ask you to buy from them. You can also buy lightly used furniture and appliances from a second-hand shop or new furniture from Nitori (delivery available) or Amazon.
Phone & Internet
If you sign a contract with a Japanese phone company it is likely that there is a plan that includes internet. If you don't intend to use the internet a lot or are on a budget, purchasing pocket wifi or a new SIM card may be a better choice for you. The main providers in Nara are AU, Docomo, Y Mobile, and Softbank.
Operating a Microwave
Hopefully you have enough knowledge of hiragana and katakana and can read the most important button that probably says "あたためスタート." The list below is for the buttons which you may not know.
Operating the Air Conditioner
Japanese エアコン do more than just blow cool air. It has a lot of fancy options, so let's look at the vocabulary.
The first button to select is one of the three:
レンジ (microwave) グリル (grill) オーブン (oven)
Then select the time or one of the preset programs:
分 (minutes) 秒 (seconds) 取り消し//とりけし (cancel)
牛乳 (milk) 弁当 (bento) 惣菜 (side dish)
ゆで野菜 (boil vegetables) 解凍 (defrost)
冷凍ものあたため (reheat) 温度 (temperature)
Air conditioners typically have four main functions:
冷房 (cool) ドライ (dry) or 除湿 (dehumidify)
暖房 (heat) 空港 (purify)
You can also adjust the direction:
風上下 (up & down) 風左右 (left & right)
風速 (wind speed) 簡単切タイマー (smart timer)
Garbage Collection
How you sort your garbage will depend on the area you live in. It's important to follow the rules and keep the collection location tidy. You can usually find information about garbage disposal in your community newsletter or bulletin notice. Some rules that usually apply include using designated bags and putting your garbage out before 8am on collection day. Now, let's look at some kanji!
可燃 or 燃えるゴミ (burnable) 不燃 or 燃えないゴミ (non-burnable)
プラ (plastic) ペットボトル (plastic bottle) アルミ (aluminum)
グラス (glass) 小型家電 (small appliances) 有害 (hazardous)
*see section 3 for more information about disposing large items
2.) Maintenance
Cleaning is not everyone's favorite activity, but it is important to maintain for your health and sanity. Your living space is your safe haven; a place to escape when Japanese culture becomes overbearing. To keep your paradise clean and organized, follow this cleaning guide.
*Note that the frequency is only a guide and will depend on various factors such as the condition of the
building, area, weather conditions, lifestyle, etc.
Genkan (Entrance)
Maintenance Level: Low
Sweep/vacuum (1x week)
Wipe mailbox/door (1x month)
(this is often forgotten, but is important because unwanted bugs can crawl through the slot!). -
Clean shoe cupboard (1x 3 months)
Lay down some bait traps to catch those yucky cockroaches! Available at supermarkets and home centers. Look for the brand "ブラックキャップ."
Pick up some charcoal shelf liner sheets from your nearest Daiso to protect your shoes from mold and prevent odor.
Another useful item from Daiso is their magnetic umbrella rack. It attaches nicely to your front door for easy storage.
Maintenance Level: Low
Sweep (1x month)
Wash windows (biweekly)
Wash railing (every season)
Maintenance Level: Low
Dust (1x week)
Vacuum (1x week
Mop floor (1x week)
(don't forget under the bed)
Wash sheets (1x week)
Living Room
Maintenance Level: Low - Medium
Dust (1x week) (don`t forget the TV!)
Vacuum (1x week)
Mop floor (1x week)
(Don`t forget to dust the baseboards and french doors)
Tatami Room
Maintenance Level: Medium - High
Tatami mats are prone to mold and tatami mites (dani) as the mats are highly absorbent and retain moisture.
Dust (1x week)
Vacuum (2x week)
Wipe the floor (1x week)
For bedding and futons, use daniyoke spray. DO NOT mistake this for tatami spray which can only be used on tatami mats.
Do not use a wet cloth or products not specifically designed for tatami. This may not only create moisture, but can remove the natural protectant oils. The best product to use are tatami wipes.
Always vacuum and wipe along the grain.
If you sleep on a futon, be sure to air it out once a week by putting them outside on the balcony, or they will get moldy!
Use dani spray (ダニアース):
To use: insert the needle into the tatami mat and spray for 15 to 20 seconds every 6-8 weeks. ONLY for tatami mats.
Maintenance Level: High
Wash the dishes (always!)
(don't forget the bottom of the frying pan) -
Wipe countertop and table (everyday)
Clean range fan (1x month)
Rice cooker (after every use)
Clean the inside and outside of fridge (1-2x week)
Wipe the inside and outside of trash bin (1x week)
Replace the drain basket net (1-2x week)
Clean the drain filter (1x week)
In Japan, there are 3 layers in the drain; cover, catcher basket, and filter. There is no garburator (electronic garbage disposal unit), so keeping the drain and its components clean is key.
1) filter
2) drain basket
3) cover
Don't forget to lift up and clean under your chairs, or the legs will grow furry feet!
Using an adhesive garbage air freshener will not only help with odor, but will prevent unwanted bugs.
Jif Cream Cleanser for Stainless Steel
Drain Nets
Tablet Pipe Cleaner
Liquid Pipe Cleaner
(scrub brush)
Fridge Deodorizer
Magic Clean
for Kitchen
Slime Remover
(sits in the drain basket)
Stainless Steel Brush
Maintenance Level: Medium - High
Clean sink (1x week)
Vacuum (1x week)
Mop (1x week)
Clean toilet (1x week)
Clean shower (1x week)
Wipe the glass (inside & outside)
- Wash the curtains
- Clean the frame and top of curtain rail
Scrub entire surface area with cleaner and a brush
Remove tub wall, and scrub underneath the tub
Spray kabi killer to finish
(wear gloves and a mask!)
Wash the filters (2x week)
It is recommended to have your AC professionally cleaned 1x year. The cost is around ¥10,000 and takes about an hour.
Washing Machine
Remove lint from filter
Clean wash basket/drum with detergent:
Yearly Cleaning
Organize all closets and drawers and dispose all expired products
Donate unwanted useable clothes
Wash the walls, ceiling, ceiling lights
Clean hard to reach places (under refrigerator + washing machine, exhaust fans, etc.)
AirCon cleaning spray that kills and prevents mold.
To use: Remove the filters and spray. Reapply every 2-3 months.
To prevent mold build up, use a squeegee to remove water after every shower
Golden Tip:
Clean a little bit everyday!
3.) Departure
Coming Soon!
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